Saturday, August 18, 2012

Why This Blog?

Since I've become a vegetarian three years ago, it's always been a challenge for me to find an all-in-one go-to site where I can get vegetarian-related information here in the Philippines. Oh, there are tons of vegetarian websites, of course. For someone who loves to travel, it can be time consuming and challenging to go to different websites to get different kinds of information that have just one thing in common-- vegetarian. So I thought, isn't there just a single website where I can find all I need? Vegetarian restaurants in different places here in the Philippines; vegetarian versions of the Filipino dishes; places where I can buy vegetarian groceries in the country. Maybe there is a website like that out there and I just haven't been looking hard enough.

As time passes, I learn a lot of things that help me succeed in my chosen lifestyle. I thought, why not document the things I learn everyday in one blog? People in similar situation can read them, maybe find some of them useful, and share their knowledge too. I want to share the recipes I've learned, the vegetarian-friendly restaurants I've been to in different parts of the Philippines, the websites that helped me, anything helpful in a vegetarian's lifestyle.

It will be a tedious work but I'm hoping that in time, I'll be able to help fellow vegetarians like me here in the Philippines. I hope you enjoy reading the upcoming posts and don't forget to share your thoughts!


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